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Circuit of Culture: Regulation


Example of the Voting scale in the Flash Portal.

Taken from the Newgrounds Wiki

Unlike many other places on the internet, Newgrounds users have a lot of control over what is presented on the website. Some moderators patrol and respond to reports, but Newgrounds is a "free" website in that as long as the content submitted does not break U.S. law, it is completely fine to submit. A user's ability to almost post anything they want does help Newgrounds' case that it is a place for "Everything by Everyone" But before the piece of content is allowed to be on the website, it first has to pass "judgment."


An essential part of internet history, the voting system placed in Newgrounds, introduced in 2000, was the first automated voting system for a website in internet history. The voting scale is on a simple 1- 5 scale, and the score is the average of all the votes. When a piece of content is uploaded to Newgrounds, it is "in judgment," a delicate period where after a certain number of votes, the submission must reach a set score point or higher, and if achieved, it is permanently added to the site, if not it is then "blammed" or deleted from the website. When a submission is voted off the website, it is even put on an obituary list.
Interestingly, the heads at Newgrounds wanted its users to be involved in the site's self-regulation, so users can "level up" their accounts for each submission they voted on up to four times a day. Doing so grants experience points leveling up a user and increasing the user's voting power. Still, looking at the site's Flash Portal statistics, it is found that only a minority of users actually vote.
There have been times where moderators and Fulp himself have taken matters into their own hands to remove particularly distasteful and too offensive content from the site, and example being "The Slaying of Sandy Hook," a game made recently after the shooting was quickly taken off the website to mixed reactions from users. Interestingly Newgrounds has hosted similar content before, like Pico's school, but that shows you that when the website gets older, so do the users.
This unique form of regulation that Newgrounds has shows that the people who run the website wants it to be a place on the internet by the people for the people. When many social media services are becoming much more involved in content moderation, Newgrounds hands it off for the users to decide.



Image from Coach's Corner

Screenshots depicting the most viewed submissions and most voted on submissions on the Flash Portal

Taken from the Newgrounds Wiki 

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